Over the past years, there has been a fabulous leap of technology. Technology is constantly changing and improving to help us with our daily responsibilities. These advancements have changed from computers to phones. Now with everyone always rushing for time, technology has helped us in achieving that. Now that we all have phones and tablets, we are able to do work on the go. We literally have the internet in our hands. Therefore, we all have to keep ourselves updated with technology. This is important because we would not want to be left behind. These days, people are always busy. They all have tight schedule. There are some terms and products that is needed to actually help us with our technology. Being busy with work, we often require tons of space for our work documents. Since there are external storage systems available nowadays, people will always look for affordable and long lasting storage devices. A thumbdrive is the most common external storage device that is used to transfer files or store temporary files for future use. There will be times when a thumbdrive reaches its limit; there will be insufficient space for more documents or photos. Therefore, memory cards and external hard disks are used for storage as well. Memory cards, also known as SD cards are able to store more than thumbdrive. We here at Vicco man are experts in providing these products for our customers. With a team of experts who are well equipped with skills to help you with your technological needs. We offer products and services such as; Flash Cards, MicroSD Cards, 64GB Micro SD card, computer memory. With one of the best customer service, we will assure you that our products are of the highest quality and will strive to meet your every demand.